DuAll Heating & Cooling Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

What Is AFUE?

Monday, October 12th, 2015

We know you don’t really want to think about heating season yet, but it is just around the corner. If you need to replace your existing furnace or boiler or have a new home that needs a heating system and you are opting to go with a furnace or boiler, you’ll want to know what AFUE is. The heating experts at DuAll Heating & Cooling can help you determine how AFUE will affect your decision in choosing a new heater, but it’s important to understand the basics.

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Should There Be Rust on My Furnace?

Monday, October 5th, 2015

As we edge closer to heating season here in Bolingbrook, you may have taken a closer look at your heating system. If you have a furnace and have noticed a considerable amount of rust on it, it’s good to take note of this. Rust on a furnace is never normal, and once corrosion takes hold of the metal on your system, it is very hard to contain it. The heating experts at DuAll Heating and Cooling can help assess whether or not the rust on your furnace is a spot that can be repaired, or if the rust is an indication of a bigger problem.

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Get Ahead of the Heating Season with Annual Maintenance

Monday, September 21st, 2015

It’s still pretty warm outside, but as residents of Bolingbrook ourselves, we know the cool air of fall is just around the corner. It’s no fun finding out on that first chilly day when you turn on your heating system that something is wrong. But we can help you get ahead of that scenario by performing annual heating maintenance this fall. All you have to do is give our experts a call and we’ll schedule you a maintenance appointment at your earliest convenience.

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How Zoning Your HVAC System Saves You Money

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Sometimes, you really do have to spend a little money in order to save money. This certainly applies to the concept of zoning one’s residential HVAC system. With the installation of a zone control system, you can save money in a few different ways. The best part of an already great deal is the fact that you can actually live in greater comfort while doing so. It may all sound a bit too good to be true. However, trust us when we tell you that this reality could easily be one that you live in. Just remember to leave your Naperville zoning services to the pros at DuAll Heating & Cooling. We install and service zone control systems of the highest quality. If boosting both the performance and efficiency levels of your HVAC system is an enticing sounding offer, ours is the number to dial.

Zoning your HVAC system allows you to heat and cool different areas of your home to different temperatures. Electronically controlled dampers are installed in your air ducts, and these dampers are wired into a control panel. Also wired into this control panel are multiple thermostats, with each individual thermostat regulating the temperature in a specific zone in your home. When you adjust these thermostats, the dampers in your zone control system will adjust themselves accordingly. This is how it is possible to maintain different temperatures in different heating and cooling zones.

Because you no longer need to heat and cool an entire house to one set temperature, you can heat and cool your home in a more considered manner. By maintaining more moderate temperatures in unused areas of your home, and adjusting those temperatures at necessary times to gradually bring them up or down to the target temperature, you can cut down on the amount of energy that you use when heating and cooling your house. Because different people are comfortable at different temperatures, you can also use your zone control system to help everyone live more comfortably than they’d otherwise be able to. This can eliminate constant fiddling with a single central thermostat, which can increase energy usage and costs in and of itself.

We can answer any questions that you may have regarding the ways in which zoned heating and cooling can benefit you. Should you decide to move forward with the installation of such a system, we will  install it with the very greatest of care.

If you are ready to schedule any HVAC zoning services in Naperville, just give DuAll Heating & Cooling a call today.

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Signs That It’s Time to Service Your Boiler

Friday, February 20th, 2015

Boilers are known for the warmth and comfort they bring into a room. If you own a boiler, you likely look forward to the feeling of walking into your home on a cold, snowy evening. Unlike forced-air heating systems like furnaces and heat pumps, boilers transfer heat to the objects and people in a room, not to the air. And while these heat is generally quite reliable, no heating system lasts forever.

It’s inevitable that you’ll have to call a technician at some point. Put your faith in the heating service technicians at DuAll Heating & Cooling. We service and install boilers in Plainfield, IL.

A boiler is considered to be lower maintenance than a forced-air heating system like a furnace or heat pump. You don’t need to change any filters, and there are fewer moving parts than there are in other types of systems. In fact, you may not have to schedule repairs for many years. Delay repairs for even longer by scheduling regular maintenance and watching out for the following signs that you should call a technician ASAP.

  • Limited Heating – One of the ways you can tell that your boiler is in trouble is if you notice the heat in your home is not up to par. Even if it’s only a slight drop in temperatures, it could indicate a problem that will worsen over time and lead to a breakdown.
  • Strange Noises – Boilers are known for their quiet operation, so you are likely to notice when unusual noises occur. Strange noises could indicate trouble with the circulator pump, a mechanical part that requires lubrication, or problems with the pressure in the tank.
  • Rust – If you notice rust forming on the outside of your boiler, the problem requires immediate attention. Rust eventually leads to corrosion, and corrosion in your boiler could be disastrous. Rust may occur if condensation forms along the outside of the unit, or if water leaks onto the tank, so be sure to keep any sources of water away from the unit as much as possible.

DuAll Heating & Cooling provides comprehensive heating services in Plainfield, IL. Call one of our team of skilled professionals for maintenance, repairs, or installation today.

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How a Faulty Thermostat Affects Your Heating

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

The thermostat is very likely the only component of your heating and air conditioning system you really interact with. Your heating system’s thermostat communicates to your heater when the temperature has dropped below the desired setting. The heating system then switches on and heats up the air until the necessary conditions have been met.

You may think that a thermostat works under a fairly simple mode of operation. But a faulty thermostat will have a huge impact on how effectively your heating system operates. Thermostats can be responsible for anything from no heating at all to severely worn down parts and controls. This list details a few of the ways a faulty thermostat can affect your heating in Naperville.

  • Reduced Heating: One of the most common side effects of a faulty thermostat is reduced or absent heating. Your broken thermostat may prevent heat from entering your home or it may simply reduce the amount of heating you feel throughout the house. Reduced heating could be symptomatic of a number of problems, like a broken safety switch or a faulty blower fan, but an issue with the thermostat generally indicates a new one is necessary.
  • Poor Efficiency: Even if you own one of the most efficient types of heating systems available on the market, a broken thermostat can reduce efficiency by quite a stretch. This component may at some point be unable to communicate to the heater when it is time to shut off, not only making you feel uncomfortable, but also requiring far more energy to run.
  • Worn Parts: A faulty thermostat may also cause your unit to short cycle if there is a faulty wiring connection. Short cycling is when the unit turns on and then shuts off shortly afterwards. This can cause the parts to become damaged and wear down over time.

Replacing a thermostat doesn’t have to be a negative experience. A trained technician can help you select a thermostat with advanced settings so that you can have greater control over what times of day your unit switches on and off in order to better track your energy usage over time.

Contact DuAll Heating & Cooling when you need any services for your heating in Naperville, IL.

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Plainfield Furnace Repair Guide: Is Your Home Not Getting Enough Heat?

Monday, October 20th, 2014

Is your heater working, but not quite as well as it should be? Is your heater not achieving the temperature set on your thermostat? A heating system that is working ok, but not great, most likely needs furnace repair in Plainfield. There can be a few reasons why your furnace isn’t producing the heat it should be, and it’s best to hire a professional to determine the reason why. At DuAll Heating & Cooling, our NATE-certified technicians can handle any heating issues you may have, so call us today.

Reasons for Reduced Heat

There are a few reasons you may experience reduced heating with your furnace:

  • Dirty air filter – dirty air filters can restrict air flow, which can decrease the volume of air flowing through your system, including the amount of warm air being delivered to your living spaces.
  • Faulty ductwork – your ductwork suffers wear and tear like any other part of your system. Cracks, holes and disconnections can create a great deal of air loss, which can result in less heating reaching your home.
  • Problems with the blower – the indoor fan that blows the hot air into your ductwork may be experiencing issues. A worn fan belt can decrease the amount of air flow, as can a problematic blower motor.
  • Imbalance in the system – there is a certain balance of pressure that needs to be maintained in order for your furnace to work correctly. Faulty ductwork can throw this balance off, making it hard to heat.
  • Blocked registers – make sure all vent registers are clear of debris, furniture or drapes as this can interrupt the flow of air.
  • Dirty burner – a burner that has a layer of dust and dirt can’t operate as it should, which may reduce its heating output.

Reduced heating can compromise your comfort and cost you money in extra energy usage. As you can see, there are a number of reasons why a furnace may have decreased levels of heating, which is why it’s important to hire an expert to inspect and make needed furnace repairs in Plainfield.

If you are experiencing problems with your furnace, call DuAll Heating & Cooling today and schedule an appointment with one of our professionals.


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When Is It Time for a New Boiler?

Monday, October 13th, 2014

Boilers are durable heaters that may last up to 15 years with proper maintenance. But if you wait until the last minute for replacement, you’re bound to have a mess on your hands, as you may only think to call for service after leaks damage your home, or you are left without any heating until replacement is finished.

This is why it’s important to be able to spot the signs that your old boiler is shot. The heating experts at DuAll Heating & Cooling have put together this list of a few of the ways you can tell it may be time for boiler replacement. Of course, every boiler is different, so always be sure to consult an expert before making a decision.

  • Old Age: If your boiler is approaching its expected lifespan, replacement is generally a good choice. Your older boiler has gotten a lot of use over the years, and, unfortunately, a breakdown is possible, especially if you seem to call for repairs frequently. In may be less expensive to replace your boiler now than to replace a broken system in the future.
  • Improper Size: Unfortunately, some contractors simply do not heed the proper sizing guidelines for boilers. Many choose larger boilers to ensure the customer gets adequate heat. But an oversized boiler will cost you more to run, using a lot of fuel and ultimately wearing down much sooner. If an oversized boiler causes you trouble, a new unit may be necessary sooner rather than later. A contractor should resize your new unit rather than replacing older components with similar ones.
  • Leaks: Leaks can indicate minor issues, such as a problem in the pressure valve, that simply mean your boiler needs minor adjustments or a couple of new components. However, leaks could also indicate corrosion or other damages that are beyond repairs. Calling for replacement is sometimes the only option when leaks are caused by rust and corrosion.

DuAll Heating & Cooling can help you decide whether you need boiler replacement in Bolingbrook. We can install, repair, or maintain any boiler model, so give us a call today!



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Which Needs More Repairs: Furnaces or Boilers?

Monday, October 6th, 2014

If you are purchasing a new heating unit, you may be most concerned about the initial cost of installation. However, there are often more important considerations to take into account that may help you save money over time, such as energy efficiency and repair costs. Saving money over time with your system is important, and a professional can help you choose the most efficient system which could eventually compensate for the initial price. But how can you predict how much money your unit will cost in repairs throughout the life of the system?

For the most part, there’s no way to tell how much heating repair your unit will need over time. With proper care and maintenance, a heating system may need very few repairs in its lifespan. However, there are a few differences between the types of repairs you will need for a furnace or boiler, two of the most common heating systems available. But which requires the most repairs: a furnace or a boiler?

How much heating repair your unit will need depends on a variety of factors. First, you can prevent repairs by scheduling proper maintenance. With maintenance, a technician inspects your system, cleans components, and makes some adjustments to keep it working as it should. Second, some heating systems will need more repair if they are sized or installed improperly. Incorrect installation is an unfortunate reason for heating repair, which is why it’s important to choose qualified technicians for the job.

In general, however, a unit with more mechanical parts may be more likely to run into trouble. Boilers use water to transfer heat to your home, while furnaces distribute warm air through the ductwork. Furnaces use a lot of power to move fans and other mechanical parts, which means they may be more be likely to break down than boilers, which instead radiate heat throughout the home.

However, only a heating technician can help you choose the right system for your home.

If you need furnace or boiler installation, or if you run into the need for heating repair in Romeoville, call DuAll Heating & Cooling today!

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Problems Caused by a Faulty Boiler Pump

Friday, March 21st, 2014

One of the great advantages boilers have as heating systems is longevity. A well-manufactured boiler with regular maintenance can outlast most other heating systems available on the market.

What’s the secret to how well they age? It’s not much of a trick: boilers contain few mechanical parts that will wear down with use. This means reduced repairs as well.

But boilers do have some mechanical parts that require attention. One of them is the circulator pump. We’ll look at problems you can encounter if you have a bad pump on your boiler. Call up a professional for boiler repairs in Plainfield, IL whenever you have troubles from your boiler’s circulator pump. Our technicians at DuAll Heating & Cooling are ready to help whenever you need us.

Circulator Pump Malfunctions

Essentially, the circulator pump on a boiler performs the same job a blower fan does in a furnace: it sends whatever the system heated up through the distribution channels, in this case heated water sent through pipes to baseboard heaters or radiators. The pump uses an impeller motor to pull hot water from the tank and draw in cold water. It isn’t a powerful motor—it doesn’t blast water out, just move it enough to circulate through the pipes.

Water will still circulate through the boiler’s system via convection should the pump break… but it will be very weak. This will result in a drop in heating power, and when you notice it you should immediately call for repairs. (As with any motorized system, never attempt to fix the problem on your own unless you have the proper training. Remember, it might not be the pump at fault; professionals will track down what’s wrong.)

Another problem you can have with a faulty pump—one you won’t notice from its heating power—is energy waste. The pump uses electricity to run its motor, and if it begins to malfunction it will start draining inordinate amounts of power to keep up. If your electricity bills start to suddenly rise, listen for any strange sounds the pump makes when it comes on that might indicate it is at fault.

We should group “noise” here as well, since a bad circulator pump will create a level of noise that you don’t expect from the otherwise quiet operation of a boiler. If grinding and shrieking noises start to affect your boiler, you probably have a pump impeller motor problem.

Call for Professional Boiler Repairs

The pump on a boiler is the component that is most likely to develop trouble because of the amount of mechanical work it performs. You need to have repairs done on it quickly when it malfunctions or it will require a full replacement. Make certain to have regular maintenance done on the boiler so its pump remains properly lubricated and corrosion-free.

DuAll Heating & Cooling has years of experience working on boiler and other heating system services Plainfield, IL, and we offer a quality maintenance savings plan to keep your boiler in good shape all year. Contact us today and schedule your next service appointment to get started.

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