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What Kinds of Electrical Problems Can Develop with My Air Conditioner?

As an electro-mechanical system, your air conditioner needs and uses electricity to function. As such, some of the repairs you may face during the ownership of your system can be electrical in nature. Any air conditioning repair should always be handled by a trained expert, and this is especially true for electrical repairs. The trained air conditioning specialists at DuAll Heating & Cooling can handle all of your AC repairs, and will repair them correctly the first time around. If you are experiencing problems with your air conditioner in Bolingbrook, IL, call us today and schedule an appointment.

Common Electrical Problems

Here are some of the more common electrical problems you may see develop with your air conditioning system:

  • Issues with capacitors – the different motors of your air conditioner require the use of two capacitors: a start capacitor and a run capacitor. The run capacitor provides the boost of energy the motors need when they begin a new cycle, and the run capacitors make sure the electricity is delivered in a tempered, even flow. Capacitors can burn out, become damaged, or just wear down, and when this happens, the motor to which the capacitor is attached won’t work as it should.
  • Poor wiring – there are a number of wires running throughout your AC, and over time these wires can fray and corrode. Any time wiring is damaged, it can’t deliver the electricity needed. This will affect your system’s overall operation and ability to cool your home.
  • Circuit breaker problems – your air conditioner requires its own circuit breaker in your home’s electrical panel. If the breaker is somehow faulty, it may trip constantly, which will turn your system off. It’s highly recommended that a trained expert replace the faulty circuit as soon as possible.

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